Annual Report 2010-2011

This year marked the fourth full year of operations for Asylum Access. Building on past successes, our three offices in Ecuador, Thailand and Tanzania reached more refugees than ever before…

Honorable Mentions

Asylum Access leadership staff from Ecuador, Thailand, Tanzania and San Francisco gathered in Geneva, Switzerland to attend the UNHCR Annual Consultations with NGOs. Asylum Access Executive Director Emily Arnold-Fernández was…

Notes from Geneva

Dear Friends, 2011 has been a year of exciting growth and change in Asylum Access. All four of our offices are settled into great offices spaces, and our permanent leadership…

Quarterly Highlights

Ecuador Figures: Provided personalized legal assistance to 138 asylum seekers and refugees in Quito office, and 54 cases outside of Quito. Highlights: In October, AAE brought its first case in…

Staff Updates

Meet Asylum Access's New Development Manager, Ally Basak Russell! Ally joined the AAHQ development team in August 2010 as its first Development Manager. She holds a B.A. in government from…