Quarterly Highlights

Ecuador Figures: Provided personalized legal assistance to 138 asylum seekers and refugees in Quito office, and 54 cases outside of Quito. Highlights: In October, AAE brought its first case in…

Staff Updates

Meet Asylum Access's New Development Manager, Ally Basak Russell! Ally joined the AAHQ development team in August 2010 as its first Development Manager. She holds a B.A. in government from…

An Update From Thailand

Our office in Thailand looks like a private townhouse, an attached brick-and-plaster building with a gated driveway. A small sign on the gate reads “Asylum Access Thailand”. “We had to…

Quarterly Highlights

Ecuador Figures: Provided individualized, personalized legal assistance to 208 asylum seekers and refugees in our Quito office and 18 cases through local protection networks. Highlights: AAE filed an extraordinary protective…