Being a refugee was not my choice.Bangkok urban refugee in the CRSP webinar Keito Takahashi, Volunteer Advocate in Policy Advocacy and Communication, wrote a blog from his perspective about his…
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AAMX alcanza una victoria legal para una persona solicitante de asilo con discapacidad intelectual
El equipo de Litigio Estratégico de Asylum Access México logró una importante suspensión dentro de un juicio de amparo a favor de una persona solicitante de asilo con discapacidad intelectual…
[Evento Zoom] Transfiriendo el poder y la financiación a las personas refugiadas
Webinar: Presentación de la Iniciativa de Liderazgo para las Personas Refugiadas (RRLI) Invitamos a los donantes, aliados y otros líderes de la población refugiada de todo el mundo a que…
Learnings from our experience with the Larsen Lam ICONIQ Impact Award
By: Diana Essex-Lettieri, Vice President and COO & Sana Mustafa, Director of Partnerships and Engagement at Asylum Access As a family of national civil society organizations, Asylum Access believes in…
Children supported by the Hospitality Route draw their favorite thing in the world for Children’s Day
Children's Day is celebrated on April 30 in Mexico, and so the team at Asylum Access Mexico's Hospitality Route invited children connected to the program to draw their favorite thing…
[Online Event] Shifting Power and Funding to Refugees
Webinar: Introducing the Resourcing Refugee Leadership Initiative (RRLI) We invite donors, allies and other refugee leaders around the world to join us for a conversation with Coalition leaders to learn…
La Coalición para el Liderazgo de las Personas Refugiados gana el premio Larsen Lam ICONIQ Impact de 10 millones de dólares
Nueva York, 4 de mayo, una coalición mundial liderada por personas refugiadas busca reconfigurar el sistema poniendo la responsabilidad y los recursos en manos de las organizaciones lideradas por personas…
Resourcing Refugee Leadership Coalition Wins $10 Million Larsen Lam ICONIQ Impact Award
New York, May 4, a global refugee-led coalition seeks to reshape system by putting ownership and resources into the hands of refugee-led organizations. This press release is also available in…
Asylum Access México promueve juicios cuyas sentencias benefician a las personas refugiadas y solicitantes de asilo
Asylum Access México fue creado en junio de 2015 para ayudar a las personas refugiadas en México. Durante los primeros cinco años de la organización, se han brindado más de…
Three Trump-Era Policies Still Preventing Refugees from Seeking Safety in the US
The ability to seek safety in a new country is a fundamental human right. The United States has a legal obligation to accept people who show up at its borders…